Administrative Land Use Authority

Administrative Land Use is the LUA for other land use applications, such as commercial site plans and conditional use. The Administrative Land Use Authority typically meets as needed. The Providence City Planning Commission is the LUA for Subdivision approval.

Searchable Minutes Database

View a searchable minutes database (NOTE: Formatting may differ from the PDF copies below. Meeting dates available for search will gradually expand as we add previous minutes to the database)

Minutes Note:

Minutes may be obtained by clicking the links above or by contacting the City Office.  

Agendas Note:

Agendas for the Administrative Land Use meetings are usually available to the public at least 24 hours in advance of a scheduled meeting. Agendas are available by clicking the links above or by calling the City Office at (435) 752-9441. Agendas are also displayed at the Providence City Office, 164 North Gateway Drive, and on the Utah Public Notice website.

Administrative Land Use Authority Members:

City Engineer (CRS Engineers)
Public Works Director
(435) 752-9441, Ext. 209
Community Development Director
(435) 752-9441, Ext. 212