Land Use


In order to build within Providence, a zoning permit and a building permit is required. Zoning permits are issued by the city and can be found under the tab entitled “Land Use/Zoning Application Forms & Online Portal” below. Building permits are issued by Cache County and must be applied for online AFTER a zoning permit is obtained. Visit Cache County’s website by clicking here for building permit information.

Land Use Code

Providence City Land Use Code is comprised of Providence City Code Title 10 Zoning Regulations and Title 11 Subdivision Regulations.
The purposes of these land use codes are to:

  • protect and promote the health, safety, order, prosperity, and general welfare of the present and future inhabitants of the City. This includes the regulations on the height and size of buildings and other structures, percentage of lot that may be occupied, size of yards, courts, and other open spaces, density of population, and use of buildings, structures and land for trade, industry, residence or other purposes, and the landscaping thereof; and
  • promote an adequate and efficient street and road system, to prevent congestion on streets and promote traffic safety, to secure desirable public space, to ensure proper distribution of population, to provide for adequate utilities and public improvements, to provide for orderly growth and to improve the health, safety and general welfare of the people.

Permitted Land Uses

Providence City Code Title 10 Zoning Regulations, Chapter 6 Use Regulations contains the Use Chart. The chart shows which land uses are allowed in each zone. To use the chart, find your area on the Zoning Map located in the “Maps” section below. The Zone abbreviations are listed across the top row of the Use Chart. Look down the column for the uses allowed in that zone.

Area Regulations

Providence City Code Title 10 Zoning Regulations, Chapter 8 Area Regulations contains the Space Requirement Chart. To use the chart, find your area on the Zoning Map located in the “Maps” section below. The Zone abbreviations are listed across the top row of the Space Requirement chart. Look down the column for the requirements in that zone.

Review & Approval Process

Residential site plans (new homes, outbuildings, remodels, additions) are reviewed by city zoning staff, unless they require a conditional use permit. Conditional Use permits are reviewed and approved by the Administrative Land Use Authority. Commercial site plans are also reviewed by the Administrative Land Use Authority. Subdivisions are reviewed by the city staff, then approved by the Planning Commission at the Preliminary Plat stage. The final plat is approved administratively.