
Pickleball paddle and ball on court

Providence City pickleball courts are located at Alma Leonhardt Park. New courts will also open in spring 2024 at Zollinger Park

Ladder League

Ladder leagues are fun and competitive! Your ranking on a ladder is based upon your points earned each week. After each week players will be placed in a new group of 4 in the order of their ranking on the ladder for play. If a player needs to miss a game, a similarly skilled sub can be invited to play (point will not count for absent player) Games are played to 15, win by 1. At the end of the league, the lowest score will be dropped and medals will be awarded to the top 3 players.

Learn to Play Camps

These camps are perfect for beginning and intermediate players. Stay tuned for 2024 camp information.

Register online at providence.sportsites.com/player. 

Recreation notifications and field condition alerts will be sent using our Providence Pipeline messaging service. Please click here to sign up for this service

Please contact us at (435) 752-9441 if you have any questions.